Bruno Esparza

Sr. Full Stack Developer, @Technisys

Bruno Esparza.

I am a Software Engineer with a passion for solving algorithms, full-stack development, and researching cloud-native technologies. I specialize in understanding and implementing applications architectures. I closely follow web standards and have extensive experience working in fintech and edutech sectors, as well as collaborating with teams across the world.

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My Tech Stack

Technologies I have experience and proficiency working with.

Tech IconReact JSTech IconAngular v1 & v2+Tech IconFlutter w/ DartTech IconFigmaTech IconTailwindCssTech IconNextTech IconNodeJSTech IconPythonTech IconMicrosoft AzureTech IconGoogle Cloud PlanformTech IconCloud Native (API’s, Containerization, Micro Services, DevOps)


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