Bruno Esparza

Sr. Full Stack Developer, @Technisys

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Frontend Developer for Expo Virtual 360

Duration: Collaborator for 3 months; on 2021.

TLDR: Explore what the UTPL Open and Distance Modality has to offer, with its new virtual and dynamic environment available for Web and Mobile
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In a dynamic environment for both Web and Mobile, the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL) will expose its academic offer of the degree of the Face-to-face, Open and Distance Modality, admission process, scholarships, student mobility, projects, innovation ecosystem, and entrepreneurship, among others, to students, teachers, and parents from all over the country

d8555266-a87d-459c-af45-0568e8f167c4Screens from the multiple actions created for the event

Although this event was primarily on the web, we focused to have a working 3d experience on mobile application to. This Virtual Event allowed interested students know one more about the degrees UTPL offers, get access to the schedule of the degree and other benefits.

Videos uploaded to the platform where also handled and processed by our services, to make them performant ready and low cost.

Other applications were created with micro-frontend technologies, there was chat in real time, where you could chat and get an agent to help you with any question you may have.