Bruno Esparza

Sr. Full Stack Developer, @Technisys

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Frontend Developer for Lecturlab

Duration: Collaborator for 3 months; on 2021.

TLDR: Nothing is better than a game to call children's attention. Lectulab is a playground to discover new challenges meanwhile learning language symbols and letters.
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Reading is the axis of all education and, therefore, one of the current concerns, so through this innovation project, we want to solve this problem. Our objective is to strengthen reading competence in children aged 5 to 6 years to attend inclusive, comprehensive training.

Nothing is better than a game to call children's attention. Lectulab is a playground to discover new challenges meanwhile learning language symbols and letters.

This project was made thinking in accessibility so that any child could use the application. With accessibility being one important characteristic of this project, we decided to implement it on the web, and all interactions, buttons, make them accesible to users, and give them the feedback while using the application

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